Practice Exams & Answer Keys

Payment Details:

  • One time payment - includes HST
  • HUGE value for practice exams AND answer keys - less than $20 for each exam and answer key!
  • Payment will be deducted from your credit card automatically

What's Included?

  • SEVEN complete practice exams and full answer keys 
  • All exams and answer keys are downloadable PDFs 
  • Answer keys include not only the correct answers but also the rationale for the correct answer
  • The rationale will help you with your comprehension and guide you to areas needing more focus during your studying
  • Access to our exclusive Facebook community for support by former and future exam writers

 What Happens Next?

  • Look for welcome emails with instructions and your login details.
  • Please do not share these practice exams and answer keys. They are for your own exclusive use. Sharing with friends is NOT cool - or ethical.
  • Contact us if you have any issues with your login right here: [email protected]

$149 CAD

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