Are you ready to write the RKin Exam?


Malik The Kin's RKin Exam Prep Course has everything you need to successfully move forward into your new kinesiology career with confidence.


Are you ready to take the RKin Exam?

Malik The Kin's RKin Exam Prep Course has everything you need to successfully move forward with confidence.


Did you know...

The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario's RKin Exam (CKO-RKin) is made up of 25% of what you learned at school and a whopping 75% that you may not have seen before?

The jurisprudence (or legal) part of practicing as a regulated health professional is likely very new to you. And navigating case studies that incorporate many areas of professional practice can be tricky. This kind of reasoning are a BIG part of being a Registered Kinesiologist!

Does this sound familiar??

We bet you might be struggling to find the courage and confidence to register and take the only exam standing in your way of becoming a Registered Kinesiologist in Ontario.

You know this is the next step in your career but each time you think about going through with it, you hesitate and keep putting it off.

You feel overwhelmed and worry about failing because you …

  • lack practical experience because you may not have landed the best co-op terms or internships
  • feel unprepared even after years in your kin program and graduating with pretty good marks
  • stress over not knowing what to study, how you're going to get through it, or even where to start
  • can’t figure out how you're going to fit the needed study time into your life right now
  • think you will forget everything you study — you’ll panic and blank out during the exam
  • agonize over how long you’ve been out of school and how much you need to learn again 

You also might be thinking... It shouldn't be this difficult or scary to get this entry to practice exam done.

The truth is … it doesn’t have to be this tough.

You didn’t come this far to only come this far on this journey. You chose this career path for a reason. Your fear of not knowing how to get organized, what to study, and how to succeed on the CKO-RKin exam shouldn't be holding you back.

Does it take work?
Of course it does! We won't kid you about that. But Malik will show you how to budget your time, maximize your study skills, focus your energy, and lower your anxiety. 

Malik’s RKin Exam Prep Course is a worthwhile investment to help you write your exam knowing you did everything you could to get ready. Having a mentor to guide you through this process is super smart. Malik has now reached hundreds of kin grads - both recent and not-so-recent - and helped them pass the CKO-RKin exam. Know that he can help you too.

Not sure if you are ready to invest in the full course? Maybe you'd prefer to start with our practice exam package first? We have SEVEN practice exams with 175 questions in each available now for you. You can study and then check your knowledge. Or write these practice exams first! Then refine your studying once you know where you really need to spend your time. 


Malik The Kin's
RKin Exam Prep Course


An eight week, online course with a dedicated learning group to help you prep, practice, and confidently know what and how to study for the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario's RKin Exam (CKO-RKin).

Feel at ease being part of a like-minded, supportive and collaborative environment. Work alongside your soon to be professional peers and build a network at the same time!

You'll get strategically planned video lessons, a discount on fun flashcards, five practice quizzes, seven sample exams, a pile case studies, and LIVE group Zoom Meet Ups to talk about it ALL.

With Malik Carby-Corbett as your guide, and assisted by Angela Pereira (the owner of First Line Education) you’ll be moving forward with your own personal study group to help you focus and answer any questions you have.


Get everything you need in one place to confidently prepare, practice, and study for your RKin exam.

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Self-Paced Video Lessons

  • Eight weeks of strategically crafted video lessons to guide you through all course material.
  • Instant access to ALL video lessons so you can work at your own pace.
  • Downloadable PDFs of all slide decks so you don’t have to take notes.
  • NEW supportive downloads like a mnemonics list to help you with memory tricks for anatomy and physiology.
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Effective Study Material

  • Access to anatomy flashcards to easily test your knowledge and improve your memory.
  • Anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, ergonomics, math, and professional practice questions with to-the-point answers.
  • Access links to all of the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario learning modules. It's ALL here!
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Comprehensive Workbook

  • Detailed downloadable workbook with PDFs of all slides from the eight weekly video lessons.
  • Save time, taking additional notes is now optional!
  • Quick and easy access to Malik's organized study packages makes it easy to focus your studying and easily identify where you need to concentrate your time.
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Quizzes & Practice Exams

  • Five quizzes covering each content area
  • Full-length 175 question practice exams (SEVEN different ones!).
  • Understand how to analyze multiple choice questions to find the right answer.
  • Learn tips and tricks to help you do your very best and learn how to write a great exam.
  • Remember - you just have to PASS!
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In-Depth Case Studies

  • Get strategies to carefully work through case studies.
  • Learn how to assess clients' movement patterns, injuries and lifestyle, arrive at clinical findings, and design treatment plans 
  • Get the hands-on experience you need to build your confidence with clients.
  • Hear clinical and client stories from Malik and Angela to help you with the case studies.
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Collaborative Support

From 'Malik The Kin' and Angela Pereira, owner of First Line Education

  • A large and growing Facebook group for answers to all your up-to-the-minute questions.
  • Supportive LIVE Zoom Q&A and review Meet Ups every two weeks...with replays available!
  • Email support access to Malik and Angela to get answers to all your questions.

In just 8 weeks … you can DO this!

Malik The Kin's RKin Exam Prep Course will keep you motivated and focused while boosting your confidence and your ability to succeed.


"Coming into the application process of the exam, I was completely out of sorts of what to do, where to start and how to find resources. Joining this course not only settled my nerves but made it 10x easier to study, find resources, ask questions and receive lots of support. Highly recommend this course for anyone who doesn't know where to start!"

- Mallory Rodriquez

"Thanks for all the guidance, resources and insights - I passed and couldn’t be more happy!"

- Kavita Gopal

Meet Malik Carby-Corbett

Malik is a successful Toronto-based Kinesiologist and former Ontario Kinesiology Association (OKA) board member with a passion for coaching and athlete development. He partnered with First Line Education to create the RKin Exam Prep Course to help fellow soon-to-be RKin’s easily study and prep for the entry-to-practice exam. 

When Malik is not teaching the RKin Exam Prep Course, he works as the Assistant Strength & Conditioning coach of the AHL Toronto Marlies.

With the help of this course, Malik has now helped hundreds of students study for the CKO entry-to-practice exam. He is able to demonstrate to students the gap between what they have learned in school, the knowledge required to become a Registered Kinesiologist, and a proven process to be successful.

Whether you are someone who learns through visual aids, auditory lessons, text-based formats, or constantly quizzing your knowledge, Malik has designed the course to support all types of learning styles. He also makes the content relatable by adding stories and the perspective of his network of peers to cement the information delivered throughout each student's learning journey.

Know where to start

Quite possibly, your undergraduate program did not specifically give you everything you need for the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario's RKin Exam (CKO-RKin).

Though school covers all aspects and competencies you need, only specific sections are tested.

By narrowing down what to focus on most, you'll have a blueprint and set structure to approach and study for the CKO-RKin exam

Get a clear idea of what the exam will consist of, and be reassured that you are not walking in blind.

Stay motivated and on track

Move at your own pace within a group and have a dedicated guide that is there for you right when you need them.

In those moments when you’re floundering through what to focus on, easily ask for help to quickly move forward.

Using the streamlined study structure you’ll also learn how to stay on track even during the busy times in your life.

Practice with unique study tools & insight 

Learn from people who have completed the CKO-RKin with success.

Use a tried & tested study structure that gathers all the important information in one place:

  • No need for note-taking, with the comprehensive workbook to accompany each video lesson.
  • Quickly and easily test your knowledge with discounted anatomy and pathology flashcards to improve your memory.
  • Work through practice quizzes, case studies, and complete sample exams.

You’ll also learn how to analyze multiple choice questions to find the right answer. Additionally, Malik with show you how to carefully pick out the important highlights in case studies.

No more trying to figure this out on your own hoping you studied the right competencies and remember everything!

Prep for success with these lessons

Introduction, Exam Orientation & Study Tips

Lesson 1 - Course Overview
Lesson 2 - General Exam Information
Lesson 3 - Application & Exam Day
Lesson 4 - Purpose of Standards and Guidelines
Lesson 5 - Professionalism

Kin Knowledge: Physiology
Anatomy: Tissue Types, Joints & Planes, Mandible, Head Movers, Deep Torso
Math: None Yet!

Scope of Practice, Ethics & Advertising

Lesson 1 - Core Competencies: Scope
Lesson 2 - Practice Standards: Ethics
Lesson 3 - Supervising Students
Lesson 4 - Consent 

Kin Knowledge: Exercise Prescription, Types of Fitness Tests
Anatomy: Bones, Respiration, Abdominal Region
Math: Body Mass Index

Boundaries &
Conflicts Of Interest

Lesson 1 - Professional Boundaries
Lesson 2 - Conflicts of Interest

Kin Knowledge: Nutrition
Anatomy: Organs, Shoulder & Upper Arm Part 1
Math: Caloric Expenditure

Record Keeping, Collaboration & Discharging Clients

Lesson 1 - Record Keeping
Lesson 2 - Professional Collaboration
Lesson 3 - Discharging Clients
Lesson 4 - Advertising 

Kin Knowledge: Ergonomics
Anatomy: Shoulder & Upper Arm Part 2, Arm Movers
Math: Target Heart Rate Section 1

Billing, Fees, Titles & Accountability

Lesson 1 - Fees & Billing Guidelines
Lesson 2 - Using Titles & Designations
Lesson 3 - Accountability In Different Roles

Kin Knowledge: Biomechanics, Statistics
Anatomy: Forearm and Wrist
Math: Caloric Consumption Section 1

Controlled Acts & Delegation Of Care

Lesson 1 - Scope & Controlled Acts
Lesson 2 - Interpreting Controlled Acts & Communicating A Diagnosis
Lesson 3 - Delegation, Directives & Assignments
Lesson 4 - Dual Health Care

Kin Knowledge: Behaviour Change
Anatomy: Thigh Movers
Math: Target Heart Rate Section 2

Treating Family Members & Mandatory Reporting

Lesson 1 - Treating Family Members & Friends
Lesson 2 - Mandatory Reporting

Kin Knowledge: Pathophysiology
Anatomy: Hamstrings & Quadriceps
Math: Caloric Consumption Section 2

Exam Question Tips & Starting Your Practice

Lesson 1 - Exam Questions Divided By Themes
Lesson 2 - Multiple Choice Tips & Tricks
Lesson 3 - Business Of Kinesiology

Kin Knowledge: You're All Done!
Anatomy: Common Injuries, Foot Movers, Toe Movers
Math: You’re All Done!

Are you ready to stop putting this exam (and your career) on hold and start prepping for success?

Join the waitlist for our next session

Course registration is $349 plus HST which will include FOUR Zoom Meet Ups to help you review!

Our Promise to You  

It's important for you to know that this course is not endorsed by the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario. Our course was neither developed by the CKO nor is there a guarantee that by enrolling and completing this course you will pass your CKO-RKin exam.

Do know that we have carefully and strategically crafted this course, especially for you so that you can feel confident and supported while you prepare for your exam day. If you ever feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed, reach out to us so we can be there to help.

Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions


We'd love to hear your questions or, if you just want to reach out to say hello, we're here! Please drop us a line or three. We want to help you make this a great experience as you transition into the kinesiology profession!

Contact Us Here

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