10:00 to 10:30 am Welcome & Introductions from Angela Pereira (Founder of First Line Education Inc) and Kathie Sharkey (President of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance)
10:30 to 11:30 am Niching Down Finding Your Ideal Clients ~ Jaime Glassman
Break 15 mins
11:45 am to 12:45 pm Marketing & Branding Your Practice In A Digital World ~ Mark Chee Aloy
Lunch - 30 mins
1:15 to 2:15 pm How To Shift Your Professional Practice Online ~ Gavin McHale
Break 15 mins
2:30 to 3:30 pm Bridging The Gap - Research to Practice ~ Rebecca Ataman & Angela Pereira
Break 15 mins
3:30 to 5:30 pm Open Panel Discussion - Join ALL of our presenters for two hours of Q & A
5:30 to 6 pm Thank You! And Next Steps ...
10:30 am to 11:30 am Niching Down To Find Your Ideal Clients - Jaime Glassman
Jaime will guide you through the process of finding your niche to create clarity on how you help people, why people need you, what you can do for them and how they can find you.
This doesn’t limit us from helping everyone, it provides us with focus and an opportunity to access the people that need us the most.
Let’s reframe the conversation! Kinesiologists can be WHATEVER WE WANT.
We aren't limited to personal training, physio assistants and gym teachers ...
Meet Jaime
For the past seven years, from rehab clinics, to disability case management to fitness testing for firefighters and everything in between, Jaime has surveyed the profession from all angles.
Jaime is fired up about the opportunities for kinesiologists to fill the gaps in our healthcare system and provide exercise and function and medicine at a high level to our patients and society...if only we knew where to start!
11:45 am to 12:45 pm Marketing & Branding Your Practice In A Digital World - Mark Chee Aloy
Complementary healthcare professionals invest so much time, effort, and money into acquiring the vast knowledge to become innovative experts in their field, but often fall short or do not reach their maximum potential in their business ventures.
The problem is that we are so preoccupied with what we do best - helping others, that we tend lose sight of ourselves and our skills as being a primary tool for business. We see ourselves as healthcare professionals not as business owners and brands.
This presentation is for practitioners who are looking to expand their business, increase patient/client volume, engage their existing clientele, and create a tribe or following grounded in loyalty.
Meet Mark:
Registered Massage Therapist, Registered Kinesiologist, Educator, Podcast Host - Two Massage Therapists & A Microphone
Mark is the owner of ConEd Institute, a continuing education company located in Toronto. ConEd Institute is committed to being the primary continuing education provider by offering a variety of unique educational opportunities to enhance the knowledge and skills of all our participants, whereby contributing to the provision of the highest quality healthcare throughout our global community.
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1:15 pm to 2:15 pm How To Shift Your Professional Practice Online - Gavin McHale
As most who have tried it realize, taking your business online is a whole different animal than the traditional "work with whoever shows up" model most employ in the fitness industry. Because of all the noise (that has now been amplified with a worldwide pandemic), we must stand out to our ideal clients in a way that resonates deeply with them.
In this presentation I'll cover not only how to transition online, but how to add value to your services using an online component and how to position your offer to stand out in the marketplace (so people will actually want to learn more about it).
Meet Gavin
A 2012 University of Manitoba kinesiology graduate, Gavin McHale has built a 6-figure hybrid training business, working both online and in-person over seven years.
As he became more successful and talked to more of his peers, he realized that most kinesiologists were struggling to make ends meet and eventually supplementing their income or leaving the industry altogether. So, he decided to take all the lessons he learned and develop a course to help other personal trainers build a 6-figure business around their ideal lifestyle.
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2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Bridging The Gap - Research to Practice - Rebecca Ataman & Angela Pereira
Moving kinesiology research into practice: How to implement what you've learned from the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance's Kin Week 'A Kin Can' Conference
Meet Rebecca
Rebecca Ataman is a Registered Kinesiologist with clinical experience in general fitness and orthopedic rehabilitation for adults. After completing a Master's degree in Anatomical Sciences and teaching in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo, she has returned to school to complete a PhD. Rebecca's doctoral research is in the field of knowledge translation. Simply put, knowledge translation is about moving knowledge into our everyday practice. Within this field, Rebecca is investigating how clinicians adopt and sustain evidence-based practices.
Meet Angela
As a Registered Kinesiologist, a yoga teacher and a holistic nutritionist, Angela is an industry leader with a mission to encourage other movement therapists to upscale their clinical practices and grow their businesses to reach their ideal clients from her platform at First Line Education.
Through her online continuing education company, Angela and her team teaches any and all human movement geeks about clinical practice, functional assessment, movement therapy, fascia, nutrition and self development with one and two day courses and webinars.
A chance to meet ALL our presenters - and ask them ALL of your questions 🍎
Four to six questions for the first hour with open Q & A for the second hour.
Send us your questions ahead of our session to make sure we address it for you.
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