Jump Start Your
Professional Practice 

Learn How To Become a Great Employee OR Set Up Your Own Business

This course is available online.
Please email hello@firstlineeducation for access.

How to set up your practice as an exercise professional is not often part of your formal education in kinesiology. 

Clinical business education is simply not typically a part of undergraduate or even graduate programs in our colleges and universities!


The small amount you learn about at school is rarely taught by experienced clinicians who have started, sold, and wound up businesses of their own.

So, we get it, you seriously think about spending more time and money training in another profession hoping that you'll find the answers there. Know what? You won't. It's not there either!

Don't worry, we've got your back!

In this course, if you'd like to understand how rehab and prehab, sport performance, and other clinical businesses are organized, we've got you.

If you'd like to set up your own practice, we can guide you there too.

You'll learn how to register your business and get your accounting and record keeping set up.

We'll show you how to plug into a network, set up your personal and professional schedule, organize your promotional material, and find your first clients.

There are SO many details to think about when beginning a new job or starting a professional practice...

  • How will you keep track of everything so nothing falls through the cracks?
  • How will you confidently be able to show up with other members of my clinical team looking organized and ready to greet my new clients?
  • How will your new clients be able to see that you are capable and able to help them reach their goals?


This course will show you step-by-step how to:
  • Get focused on delivering excellent value for your clients
  • Thrill your referral sources by providing high quality service
  • Keep your business organized
  • Ensure your setup is simple to manage 


And grow your business like a pro!

Here's What You'll Learn:

Client Interactions

  • Understand who your ideal client is and where to find them
  • Learn how to choose a professional rate and discuss it with your potential clients
  • Set up payment options
  • Manage tricky situations with real life case studies

Financial Management

  • Choose a bank and organize your accounts
  • Draft a spending plan and start a bookkeeping system
  • Manage your taxes and invest in your future
  • Insure yourself and your business for the unexpected

Team Building

  • Set up your business as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation
  • Assess your entrepreneurial strengths, define your practice mission, vision and values
  • Define your personal and professional boundaries

You can view all the course material including the videos on your laptop, desktop or phone.

Enjoy access to your course no matter where you are!



Get a sneak peek at the course:


Module 1

Practicing as a kinesiologist in Canada

Module 2

Kinesiology as a regulated profession

Module 3

Compensation, taxes & insurance

Here are just a few of the benefits you'll find from this course:

Have simple systems in place for client intake, recordkeeping and bookkeeping to get and stay organized right out of the gate saving you both time AND money.
Network with leaders in the kinesiology industry giving you a direct access hotline to get your client and employment questions answered quickly and confidently.
Hang out your shingle and declare ‘I’m open for business’ without the scramble and overwhelm of trying to come up with all of your own clinical intake, assessment and reporting templates.
Keep your energy high with sleep, breathing and nutrition tips, take steps to avoid overwhelm and burnout, and stay ‘in love’ with your clients and your passionate professional goals.

Register Now

Regular Rate

*tax included


  • Work through self assessment exercises to understand your strengths
  • Take home ideas for finding (and keeping!) your ideal clients
  • Course access for videos and document downloads always available in your own online course library
  • Help with client management, record keeping, payment and exercise programming software

Meet Your Coaches

Angela Pereira

Angela started her professional practice as a clinical kinesiologist when she was 23. She got referrals from just nine doctors and her practice grew to encompass personal training, fitness classes, sports therapy, accident rehabilitation, and even ergonomics!

Angela didn’t learn many business skills in university (so, like actually none!). What she did learn she picked up by working in rehabilitation teams during her co-op terms through the University of Waterloo's kin program. She wants to help you cut to the chase of what worked for her - and skip 20 years or so of learning what NOT to do!

Malik Carby-Corbett

Malik started his practice as a sports therapist when he was just 21. TWENTY ONE. In three short years he found himself working as an assistant strength and conditioning coach with Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment - yep - the parent company of the Toronto Marlies and Toronto Maple Leafs hockey teams. You may have heard of them.

Malik had help - and grew and scaled his private practice while accepting a new job through his incredible networking skills. Malik likes to say, ‘Your network is your netWORTH.’ Sure looks like this paid off - all the way to the bank.

We've got answers to your questions!


We've got you covered with high quality content:

  • Video lessons to watch as often as you wish

  • Complete notes in a course workbook, so you can focus on understanding concepts in the moment

  • Fun activities in your workbook to help you retain your new knowledge

  • LIVE Zoom meet-ups to get your specific questions answered

  • Claim your continuing education credits with your certificate of course completion

“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing"

~ Walt Disney

If you completed the course but you were not satisfied with the content, our delivery or your client results, show us how you implemented our recommendations with your clients.

We’ll offer our suggestions AND happily refund your registration fee in full. We want you and your clients to succeed, and we’ll make it our mission to help!

Email us at [email protected], tell us about your experience and ask us to connect with you to process your refund. We promise to follow up with you promptly.

Now it's time for you to decide.

Picture this. You’ve just graduated with an ink-not-yet-dry kinesiology degree. Well, congratulations to you! As you emerge from university blinking your eyes into the great ‘beyond’ you realize, ‘now what do I do?’ Luckily, after working through this course step by step, you have a solid job with great clients and a happy employer. You have private clients filling up a schedule that YOU mapped out. You are starting to live life on your own terms right from the start. You are filling up your bank account week by week and managing your money with style!

BUT! If you decide to skip this course and happen to fall into an assistant role at a local physiotherapy clinic you might find yourself feeling under appreciated, underpaid, and, well, bored! You might not be able to find great referral sources, book high quality clients or understand all the nuances that come with establishing your new reputation as a qualified and sought after health care professional right out of the gate.



We know what we would do if we were in your shoes! Let us introduce you to our practice network, show you the ropes to leap ahead of your peers and land the job and build that professional practice you dreamed up when you accepted your admittance offer to university. It’s all right here waiting for you.

Register Now

Regular Rate

*tax included


  • Work through self assessment exercises to understand your strengths
  • Take home ideas for finding (and keeping!) your ideal clients
  • Course access for videos and document downloads always available in your own online course library
  • Help with client management, record keeping, payment and exercise programming software