Happy New Year to you!
PHEW. I don’t have to tell you that 2021 was a tough year for many of us as we navigate ‘all the things’.
Many of you have taken the time to do an inward dive by redefining how you live - both in your home and in your body. Personally and/or professionally, you may have reorganized, downsized, right sized or even relocated. You’ve examined how you live and work, and perhaps where you work and for whom.
You may have learned to meditate, created some quiet time for intentional journaling, or begun a yoga, qi gong or other nourishing movement practice. Maybe you decided to start going to bed an hour earlier, read a book for a while in the middle of the day, play with batch cooking with an Instant Pot on the weekends, or you jumped into baking sourdough for the first time. (Was that a 2020 thing? It’s all a blur now!)
Many of you have put some thought into your closest relationships with mates, family and friends. You’ve explored new friendships and perhaps let other relationships slowly burn out. Hard decisions have been made about whom you spend your time with and the energy these connections bring to your life every day.
All of these changes, made however slowly, may have felt exhausting in the moment. But change can also feel freeing and invigorating. To know that you can make difficult decisions and adopt new habits with staying power and success is a real confidence booster.
In 2022, I wish you a year full of intentional and deliberate decisions delivered with a side of spontaneity and fun. Embrace the unknown as an expected challenge. Know that you are doing the best you can do with the knowledge and experience you have right now. This time next year you will be enjoying greater clarity on your priorities, even better mental and physical health and a solid direction for an optimistic future.
‘I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.’
~ Neil Gaiman, award-winning English author
Here at First Line Education, we’ve done our share of navel-gazing over the past year, too. We’ve hired new talent and made decisions to let others go. We’ve brought together new project teams who have been hard at work for a few months. We’re excited to see the results already - and they are better than expected!
Furthermore, we helped to launch over 100 new kinesiologists into the kinesiology profession through Malik the Kin’s RKin Exam Prep Course. We’ve tested courses in niche areas like ‘Nutritional Counselling for Kinesiologists’ and ‘Introduction to Buteyko Breathing’. We launched ‘Kin School’ for over 400 Canadian kinesiology students and early career kinesiologists.
Not only that, but we re-imagined continuing education for kinesiologists with a variety of well attended live ‘Movement Lab’ events like our ‘Somatic Movement Experience’. We’ve begun to build relationships with kinesiology student associations, colleges and universities across Canada to help kin students purposely choose and successfully get settled into our exciting profession.
In the coming months we’ll be welcoming new college and university interns, announcing creative corporate collaborations, introducing dynamic new instructors and launching a new wellness coaching course called ‘Wellness Conversations for Health Care Providers’. We’re super excited to start talking about the brand new ‘First Line Academy’ membership program launching this spring!
We have many more innovative ideas and ways of encouraging you to reach out and stay engaged with us along the way. As always, we rely on your feedback to make sure that you are enjoying the very finest quality content and delivery we can provide for your continuing education. Please reach out to me at [email protected] with any questions, concerns or comments.
I wish you much success with your plans for 2022. May we journey together and support each other as the New Year slowly unfolds.
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