3 Easy Ways to Fill Your Schedule With Your Former Clients blog business clients success Sep 06, 2022

Have you heard the saying ‘It is much easier to keep clients than it is to attract new clients.’? Very true, yes?

It is also less expensive (both from a time and money perspective) to...

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How to Inspire Your Employees (and Colleagues!) for Creativity and Productivity blog business creativity employee encouragement job training leadership productivity team Sep 02, 2022

I get it. You want to be an effective manager of your small business with the very best team you can find to help support you and build your dream. You want your team to love coming to work and you...

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6 Tips to Choose a Stand Out Business Name blog brand business business name marketing starting a business Aug 25, 2022

Congratulations! You’ve tested your business idea and you’re ready to press all the buttons and start your small business. You’ve researched your competitors, found your best...

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How To Set Yourself Up For A Productive Day ⚙️ blog burnout mental health priority productivity stress Aug 15, 2022

I see you. Scrambling to do ‘all the things’—emails, phone calls, DMs, errands, client record keeping, chasing down new business, meeting payroll—it can be an exhausting...

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Busy? Bump Up Your Self Care with a ‘Health First’ Mindset 💕 blog burnout health first mental health mindset self care stress Aug 15, 2022

Do you ever feel like you’re just pushing through and looking after yourself is getting shoved to the sidelines? I get it. It’s likely a tough time of transition for many of you.


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Sharing My Personal Time & Energy Hacks for Better Productivity blog delegation outsourcing productivity time blocking time management Jul 14, 2022

One of the most common questions I get from our internship students and new grads entering into practice is ‘How do you get it all done?’ My reply is, 'Many years of imperfect...

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5 Tips to Overcome Burnout blog burnout guest blog mental health stress Jul 07, 2022

Guest blog post written by Giuliana Jakob, a masters student pursuing her next kinesiology degree at Western University.

We often hear the saying of “feeling burnt out”, whether it...

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4 Creative Ideas For Getting New Business Referrals blog business kinesiologist referrals Apr 19, 2022

Everyone knows that a consistent and predictable flow of clients through the doors (whether in person or virtually) keeps your lights on and your cats fed. Ignoring this important part of...

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Intrapreneur or Entrepreneur? blog entrepreneur kinesiologist Apr 12, 2022

According to Wikipedia, there is an interesting origin of the word ‘entrepreneur’. The term comes from the French verb ‘entreprendre’ meaning ‘to undertake’. The...

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How to Become a Great Employee in 3 Simple Steps blog employee kinesiologist Apr 05, 2022

Let’s all turn around and face the elephant in the room here - being an entrepreneur may not be for you. Sure, it may sound super fun to call your own shots and be in complete control of your...

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4 Ways to Finance Your Dream Health Care Practice blog entrepreneur finances kinesiologist starting a business Mar 29, 2022

You have a great idea. You’ve painstakingly written your business, marketing and financial plans and tested your ideas with family and friends. Now you’re ready to pull together the...

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How to ACTUALLY Motivate Your Clients blog clients guest blog motivation Mar 23, 2022

Guest blog post written by Michelle Falzone, a Registered Kinesiologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Toronto.  Michelle also runs her own online health and fitness coaching business...

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