Guest blog post written by Farid Yaghini, a recent graduate of Humber College's Wellness Coaching graduate certificate program. Farid is a father, an engineer, a Canadian military veteran, Chairperson of Camp Aftermath and First Line's newest course instructor.
We have all faced challenges. Whether we were conscious of it or not, we have either succeeded or failed to overcome these challenges with our own behavioural changes. How we went about that behavioural change, why we wanted to change and when we decided to make these changes are the interesting parts that make us authentically ‘us’.
As health care professionals, we need to understand that, when we get right down to it, our clients are seeking our help with specific behavioural change.
Let's face it - your clients have goals they want to reach. They look to you for your direction, support and expertise. The more precise you are with empathetic yet motivational communication, the more successful your clients will be, and ultimately, the more referrals that will come your way.
Learning the skills to have empathetic and motivational conversations with your clients is game changing. We call these impactful conversations ‘Wellness Conversations’.
Wellness Conversations can transform your clients’ health. Through specific skills involving behaviour change, you can support your clients’ health journey. Practicing these communication techniques means that the divide between your clients’ challenges and their solutions might not be as wide as they think!
By teaching your clients these motivational strategies, you empower them by giving them life skills - rather than simply encouraging them to just make it through the day's session. Through directed conversation, you can teach your clients how to show up with authenticity and compassion for themselves and others.
Wellness Conversations start by helping your clients to understand that their life experience is uniquely theirs and theirs alone.
Your clients’ personal wisdom and experience in their day to day lives is unique. It can’t be understood by anyone else. In this way, they are irreplaceable. No one can go to a school or receive training to be ‘them’. Prioritizing that feeling of self compassion is the first step to helping your clients hit their goals with a positive outlook.
Secondly, learning how to have Wellness Conversations with your clients will allow you to create clear, and therefore more effective, treatment goals. Next, having more effective treatment goals will lead to your clients actually hitting their goals. Lastly, as your clients hit their goals they'll be more likely to keep coming back to you for support with even more goals. And you know that satisfied clients builds your business - day after day.
Your ‘secret sauce’, that 'thing' you are selling to your ideal clients, is not available anywhere else except from you! The ability to have Wellness Conversations comes from your own experiences up to this point in your life.
As a healthcare professional, learning how to uniquely support your clients is the key to your success.
Our newest course called ‘Wellness Conversations’ will begin by helping you to tap into your own authenticity. Having experienced transformation yourself makes it much simpler to design your own marketing strategies. And we bet you have a transformational story (or two) to tell!
By using your unique story you are uniquely selling you - your transformational experiences both positive and negative - and these cannot be copied by anyone else. Your clients will gravitate to your authenticity through your story and how you tell it because this is how we all connect.
"Escape competition with authenticity." - Naval Ravikant
Adding the Wellness Conversations skillset to your professional practice brings accountability to you and your client during your sessions. Understanding how to coach these skills will help your clients develop the momentum they need to build positive habits.
Get ready to add Wellness Conversations to your skillset. Our first course is coming up online from 10 am to 4 pm EST on May 14 and 15th, 2022. Secure your spot right here.
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