Blog Posts

Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes

Kinesiologists Are 'Treating' Practitioners

Are you simply supervising your clients as they work on exercises that someone else has prescribed to them? Or are you independently making treatment decisions based upon your assessment when a referring practitioner has already given you their diagnosis?

Even with a diagnosis in hand from another health care provider, I know you’re still going to do your own testing. Your testing will look like whatever falls within your own scope of practice and sphere of competence.

Your testing will...

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Are Your Clients Ready For Their Assessment?

I’ve spoken with a TON of health care pros about their client assessment protocols over the years. I’ve been a ‘fly on the wall’ while watching many kinds of intake evaluations from the same practitioners and from different practitioners. 

Some practitioners have told me that they have very limited time to complete their assessments, so they march their clients from the start to the finish as fast as they can with very little talking. They are SO experienced they...

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Are We Too Tough On Our Clients?

When we decide to assess our clients, are we asking them to show us their abilities in a way that makes sense for them? Or are we simply running through a standard protocol because that’s what we’ve been doing for years?

Have you taken a good look at your assessment piece by piece recently? Are all the parts still relevant and useful? Are you trying to somehow impress your clients with your speed and your silence as you run from test to test? ‘Stand here please and reach...

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