Blog Posts

Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes

So! You Want to Own Your Own Practice?

As kinesiologists, we often get the message that we must be supervised by other health care practitioners - physiotherapists in particular. And physiotherapists typically perpetuate this myth! In fact, kinesiologists can own their own independent practices, fitness centres, rehabilitation facilities, high performance coaching businesses, disability management companies, occupational health and wellness empires … you get the idea.

Maybe you are intrigued by starting something small or...

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Creating Opportunities for Kinesiologists in Respiratory Health

I would like to introduce you to Becky Zucco and her team at WillKin.   Our next module in Kin School will be focusing on chronic respiratory health and is taught by Lauren Tracey, an accredited Kinesiologist and member of Becky's team.

Guest blog post written by:  Emily Horvat

Those with chronic lung diseases (CLDs), benefit enormously when treated with exercise-based rehabilitation programs in combination with drug therapy. Combining aerobic exercise and functional strength...

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What is a kinesiologist?

The following article was originally written by Kristen Mayne of Lumino Health in consultation with Angela, and is reproduced here with permission.


Are you wondering what a kinesiologist does and if they can help you? To learn more about kinesiology and what it can treat, we spoke to Angela Pereira. Pereira is a Registered Kinesiologist and Certified Nutritional Practitioner. She is also the founder of First Line Education, an online continuing education platform for kinesiology...

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Are Kinesiologists And Physiotherapists More Similar Than Different?

One of the toughest questions any kinesiologist or physiotherapist can get is: 

‘What is the difference between a kinesiologist and a physiotherapist?’

Cue the internal eye roll and the big sigh - am I right?

I think my very favourite client responses when someone phones during our home based sessions and asks what the client is doing is, "I can't talk now, I'm doing physio with my kin." or "My kinesiologist is here to help me with my physio exercises." HOLY SMOKES 


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Kinesiology Grads Are Not Ready For Professional Practice

Kin grads are not ready for professional practice!

I know this first hand after teaching in a college program here in Ontario in the fall and winter of 2018. It was not an easy experience! The fourth year kin students in that program were not ready to start seeing clients after graduation. There was SO much they didn't yet know about professional practice!

The students were pretty upset when they realized this. There were quite a few heated discussions during that class! It wasn't their...

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