Blog Posts

Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes

3 Easy Ways to Fill Your Schedule With Your Former Clients

blog business clients success Sep 06, 2022

Have you heard the saying ‘It is much easier to keep clients than it is to attract new clients.’? Very true, yes?

It is also less expensive (both from a time and money perspective) to reconnect with former clients than by creating a pile of shiny new products like:

  • Social media advertising campaigns
  • Unique downloads
  • New fun freebies
  • Lists of video resources
  • Creative movement classes
  • Topic specific webinars or masterclasses 
  • Podcast episodes
  • Social media posts and stories


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How to Inspire Your Employees (and Colleagues!) for Creativity and Productivity

I get it. You want to be an effective manager of your small business with the very best team you can find to help support you and build your dream. You want your team to love coming to work and you want them to be productive, creative and happy. Whether you manage employees, consultants or simply have awesome colleagues in your current position at work, here are four ways you can inspire productivity and creativity in your small business.

1. Maintain an open door policy and brainstorm new...

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6 Tips to Choose a Stand Out Business Name

Congratulations! You’ve tested your business idea and you’re ready to press all the buttons and start your small business. You’ve researched your competitors, found your best client niche and you’re ready to hang out your shingle and become an entrepreneur. So...what will you call your business?

Unless you’re operating a sole proprietorship or registering a corporation under your own name, you’ll need to take some time and think about the best name for your...

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4 Creative Ideas For Getting New Business Referrals

Everyone knows that a consistent and predictable flow of clients through the doors (whether in person or virtually) keeps your lights on and your cats fed. Ignoring this important part of establishing stable cash flow could create uncomfortable situations for you and/or your employer (not to mention your cats!).

If you are an employee then quite simply, your job depends on the ability of your employer to create new valuable products and services to sell to existing clients. Your employer is...

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So! You Want to Own Your Own Practice?

As kinesiologists, we often get the message that we must be supervised by other health care practitioners - physiotherapists in particular. And physiotherapists typically perpetuate this myth! In fact, kinesiologists can own their own independent practices, fitness centres, rehabilitation facilities, high performance coaching businesses, disability management companies, occupational health and wellness empires … you get the idea.

Maybe you are intrigued by starting something small or...

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