Blog Posts

Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes

What if You Could Design Your Life?

As ‘Malik The Kin’ Carby Corbett and I met with our Kin School students for the very first time last week, one thing became clear - kin students and practicing kinesiologists didn’t realize that only they were in charge of their life! 

As kinesiologists, we are often put in a place of being an assistant to another health care professional, underpaid and undervalued, not realizing the depth and breadth of our skill set and quickly feeling like we aren’t in charge...

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‘Stack’ Nutrition Habits for Healthy Change

blog diet lifestyle nutrition Aug 05, 2021

Change is hard. Particularly when we need to make changes to what and how we are eating. Part of what makes these changes so challenging is that we have huge links from our food choices and habits to our family, our culture, and our sense of comfort and safety. When we get ‘advice’ about how to reach our health goals by making nutritional changes, well, I can hear the alarm bells from here!

Changes to how we nourish ourselves must be adopted slowly and carefully.

For best success,...

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Canada needs a new food guide (already!)

In our new course introduced this past weekend, ‘Nutritional Counselling for Kinesiologists’, we talked about Health Canada’s recommendations for a ‘healthy’ diet. As you can imagine, there were lots of questions!

Canada began publishing food guides way back in 1942. In January 2019, Canada released its most recent guide. I believe that, in Canada we actually have two food guides - one is ‘official’ and developed and published by Health Canada, and...

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5 Ways to Improve Your Diet…That Have Nothing to do with Food

diet lifestyle nutrition Jul 12, 2021

Guest blog post by: Katherine Prior, B.A. (Hons) Kinesiology, Co-Instructor of Nutritional Counselling for Kinesiologists at First Line Education 

As the dietary supplement industry continues to see steady growth and diet fads become more and more pervasive in social media, it’s easy to assume that achieving the most optimal diet simply requires choosing the most nutritious foods and eliminating “bad” foods. 

As fitness and healthcare professionals, we often look...

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