Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes
I get it. You want to be an effective manager of your small business with the very best team you can find to help support you and build your dream. You want your team to love coming to work and you want them to be productive, creative and happy. Whether you manage employees, consultants or simply have awesome colleagues in your current position at work, here are four ways you can inspire productivity and creativity in your small business.
I see you. Scrambling to do ‘all the things’—emails, phone calls, DMs, errands, client record keeping, chasing down new business, meeting payroll—it can be an exhausting hamster wheel of fun times, right?
Not when this is your mindset month after month!
To prevent burnout and get ahead of your day, many productivity researchers recommend setting up your next day's tasks the night before. This way you can prioritize your top three tasks and organize them in a way that...
One of the most common questions I get from our internship students and new grads entering into practice is ‘How do you get it all done?’ My reply is, 'Many years of imperfect practice!'
I see you and your challenges as you transition from school to the work place or as you move on up into a new job. You no longer the school day (heavy!) routines where you might have four courses and three labs or seven courses and three meet ups or five courses and an internship . You thought ...
Need to find a great job? Update your resume? Write a blog post? Start a new business? You’ll need uninterrupted time to focus on these ‘big rocks’ every day. I’ve been mentoring a few of my company’s interns recently as they transition from school to work. One of their biggest challenges? Time management. Surprised? I bet you’re not!
Suddenly overwhelmed by having less structure, different time pressures, new responsibilities, moving to a new place,...
While my 'Perfect Day Formula' would involve touring around in the countryside in France - I was in Provence in the photo : ), that will have to wait - at least until???
Do you have your idea of a perfect work day? A perfect weekend day? A perfect holiday day?
I read a great book recently that taught me how to set up my perfect day - every day!
I bump in to many health care professionals online and in my work with my few clients. I’m often asked what I read and who I follow as I push my...
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