Blog Posts

Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes

Busy? Bump Up Your Self Care with a ‘Health First’ Mindset 💕

Do you ever feel like you’re just pushing through and looking after yourself is getting shoved to the sidelines? I get it. It’s likely a tough time of transition for many of you.

You might have recently finished your kinesiology degree and are starting to study for the RKin exam in Ontario. Or you are looking to write a licensing or certification exam in another province or state.

Maybe you are in the early crunch days of wedding planning and managing young families. Or maybe...

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5 Simple Lifestyle Shifts You Can Try Today

Sometimes the simplest of shifts can produce profound results. We tend to believe that the changes needed to improve our health must be radical, uncomfortable and take incredible amounts of patience, willpower and time.

What if I told you it doesn’t have to be that hard? That you can make tiny steps in the right direction and create remarkable improvements to your health?

‘Crazy!’ You yell.

‘I don’t buy it!’ You cry.

‘If it was this easy everyone would...

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