Blog Posts

Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes

4 Creative Ideas For Getting New Business Referrals

Everyone knows that a consistent and predictable flow of clients through the doors (whether in person or virtually) keeps your lights on and your cats fed. Ignoring this important part of establishing stable cash flow could create uncomfortable situations for you and/or your employer (not to mention your cats!).

If you are an employee then quite simply, your job depends on the ability of your employer to create new valuable products and services to sell to existing clients. Your employer is...

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Intrapreneur or Entrepreneur?

According to Wikipedia, there is an interesting origin of the word ‘entrepreneur’. The term comes from the French verb ‘entreprendre’ meaning ‘to undertake’. The ‘entre’ has its origin in Latin and means ‘between’ and ‘prendre’ means ‘to take’. It surprised me to learn that ‘entrepreneur’ also resembles the sound of the sanskrit words ‘antha prerna’ meaning ‘self...

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How to Become a Great Employee in 3 Simple Steps

blog employee kinesiologist Apr 05, 2022

Let’s all turn around and face the elephant in the room here - being an entrepreneur may not be for you. Sure, it may sound super fun to call your own shots and be in complete control of your own schedule but, is it really what you want right now?

Working together with other practitioners and benefiting from the close support and guidance of more experienced leaders may just be your jam. The predictability of regular client traffic that you don’t have to find, the camaraderie and...

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4 Ways to Finance Your Dream Health Care Practice

You have a great idea. You’ve painstakingly written your business, marketing and financial plans and tested your ideas with family and friends. Now you’re ready to pull together the financing you need to get started. But where can you go to find some cash?

There are four common ways you can finance your dream wellness business or health care practice:

1) Bootstrapping
2) Venture capital
3) Seed capital
4) Government backed loans and grants

Here’s some helpful tips for financing...

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What’s In a Name? 3 Ways to Name Your New Practice

Not surprisingly, many people come up with their business idea well before naming their new venture. Naming your new business or professional practice comes with a lot of hand wringing and head scratching. After all, your new business name has to sound professional, be catchy and stand the test of time. It’s a lot to consider!

Here are three ways to name your startup:

1. Use your own name and add your profession afterwards, e.g. Angela Pereira Kinesiology, Pereira Performance Training,...

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Wishing You A Restful Year End

blog kinesiologist Dec 14, 2021

(I captured this (slightly blurry!) mama and her youngster right outside my car window in Haliburton last winter)

Well, we made it!

As we slip and slide our way into the final weeks of 2021 it may be tempting to throw up our hands, roll our eyes and heave a great sigh (through our noses of course!). We may be ready to throw in the proverbial towel, put our feet up and binge watch yet another Netflix series (Schitt’s Creek again anyone?) For many of us it’s been a ridiculously long...

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We did it! Kin School's a wrap!

We did it!

The first graduates of ‘Kin School’ have now collected their certificates of completion and pocketed quite a few continuing education credits! 

For the past 12 weeks, from September to early December, kinesiology students and practicing kinesiologists came together from across the country every week to explore different areas of kinesiology.

Together with WillKin, eXpand Courses by Respiplus, Metriks Education and the Alberta Kinesiology Association, First Line...

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Kinesiologists Are 'Treating' Practitioners

Are you simply supervising your clients as they work on exercises that someone else has prescribed to them? Or are you independently making treatment decisions based upon your assessment when a referring practitioner has already given you their diagnosis?

Even with a diagnosis in hand from another health care provider, I know you’re still going to do your own testing. Your testing will look like whatever falls within your own scope of practice and sphere of competence.

Your testing will...

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Are We Too Tough On Our Clients?

When we decide to assess our clients, are we asking them to show us their abilities in a way that makes sense for them? Or are we simply running through a standard protocol because that’s what we’ve been doing for years?

Have you taken a good look at your assessment piece by piece recently? Are all the parts still relevant and useful? Are you trying to somehow impress your clients with your speed and your silence as you run from test to test? ‘Stand here please and reach...

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What if You Could Design Your Life?

As ‘Malik The Kin’ Carby Corbett and I met with our Kin School students for the very first time last week, one thing became clear - kin students and practicing kinesiologists didn’t realize that only they were in charge of their life! 

As kinesiologists, we are often put in a place of being an assistant to another health care professional, underpaid and undervalued, not realizing the depth and breadth of our skill set and quickly feeling like we aren’t in charge...

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