Canada needs a new food guide (already!) blog food guide holistic nutrition lifestyle Jul 29, 2021

In our new course introduced this past weekend, ‘Nutritional Counselling for Kinesiologists’, we talked about Health Canada’s recommendations for a ‘healthy’ diet. As...

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The Obesity Code - Book Review blog diet nutrition obesity Jul 16, 2021

It’s official. Obesity is now an epidemic. We already know that obesity is the root cause of many chronic autoimmune diseases. It makes us more susceptible to ill health. And yet it is one of...

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5 Ways to Improve Your Diet…That Have Nothing to do with Food diet lifestyle nutrition Jul 12, 2021

Guest blog post by: Katherine Prior, B.A. (Hons) Kinesiology, Co-Instructor of Nutritional Counselling for Kinesiologists at First Line Education 

As the dietary supplement industry continues...

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5 Simple Lifestyle Shifts You Can Try Today blog course nutrition self care Jul 02, 2021

Sometimes the simplest of shifts can produce profound results. We tend to believe that the changes needed to improve our health must be radical, uncomfortable and take incredible amounts of...

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Just Breathe blog breathe education nervous system regulation Jun 25, 2021

As I worked with two different clients this week, I realized something that I hadn’t thought about in a while. Both clients presented with very similar chronic pain patterns. And this week...

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Sensory Motor Amnesia: Our Bodies Are Wiser Than We Give Them Credit For blog fascia sensory motor amnesia Jun 17, 2021

In Greek mythology there is a riddle attributed to Sophocles who composed the riddle of the Sphinx:

‘What is it that has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?...

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Five Things That Might Surprise You About Fascia blog fascia fascinating human body Jun 10, 2021

Fascia is the term used to describe ALL the tissues throughout our bodies. Most of us picture fascia as a Spider-Man suit worn just under the skin. We imagine fascia surrounding our muscles, organs...

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Have You Done A Self-Movement Screen? blog functional testing movement screening screening Jun 03, 2021

Have you ever tried to do a test of your own functional movement? Good luck.

Maybe you're trying to figure out how to do a movement screen on a client using Zoom on a small laptop screen?...

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Why New Grads Can Benefit From An RKin Exam Prep Course blog course exam r.kin study May 27, 2021

Congratulations! After four long years of hard work, late nights and litres of coffee, you’re ready to graduate and begin your career as a kinesiologist. Yay, you! But first, if you want to...

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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday blog book review education obstacles May 21, 2021

Ever hear that the best way to get through a tough time is just to keep going? Just barrel through and not look back? Or the more enlightened version: that the only way out is through?


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Are Compensations Helping or Hurting Our Bodies? blog compensations functional testing May 13, 2021


When we’re not looking, physical compensations start to change our anatomy and possibly even our physiology. Our bodies are SO good at adapting that we are often not even aware of how...

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Get Quiet and Listen to the Clues blog functional testing prevention May 10, 2021


Self-care, awareness, mental health month, end of exams, start of the next phase of your life ...

We’ve all been there: ignoring our body’s demand to flip the laptop closed, turn...

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