Musings about movement therapy and therapists, proactive and preventative health care, ideal clients and client outcomes
Need to find a great job? Update your resume? Write a blog post? Start a new business? You’ll need uninterrupted time to focus on these ‘big rocks’ every day. I’ve been mentoring a few of my company’s interns recently as they transition from school to work. One of their biggest challenges? Time management. Surprised? I bet you’re not!
Suddenly overwhelmed by having less structure, different time pressures, new responsibilities, moving to a new place,...
Guest blog post written by Michelle Falzone, a Registered Kinesiologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Toronto. Michelle also runs her own online health and fitness coaching business dedicated to building stronger and more confident women, in and out of the gym.
Just two years into working in the personal training field I knew deep down I needed to do more to better serve my clients. For the clients I coached once or twice a week for an hour, the time they spent with me was...
Guest blog post written by Farid Yaghini, a recent graduate of Humber College's Wellness Coaching graduate certificate program. Farid is a father, an engineer, a Canadian military veteran, Chairperson of Camp Aftermath and First Line's newest course instructor.
We have all faced challenges. Whether we were conscious of it or not, we have either succeeded or failed to overcome these challenges with our own behavioural changes. How we went about that behavioural change, why we wanted to change...
Guest blog post written by Farid Yaghini, a recent graduate of Humber College's Wellness Coaching graduate certificate program. Farid is a father, an engineer, a Canadian military veteran, Chairperson of Camp Aftermath and First Line's newest course instructor.
Becoming a Wellness Coach has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding journeys of my life. I didn’t quite expect to learn so much about myself through the process! It’s one of the greatest opportunities I have been...
Everyone knows that a consistent and predictable flow of clients through the doors (whether in person or virtually) keeps your lights on and your cats fed. Ignoring this important part of establishing stable cash flow could create uncomfortable situations for you and/or your employer (not to mention your cats!).
If you are an employee then quite simply, your job depends on the ability of your employer to create new valuable products and services to sell to existing clients. Your employer is...
According to Wikipedia, there is an interesting origin of the word ‘entrepreneur’. The term comes from the French verb ‘entreprendre’ meaning ‘to undertake’. The ‘entre’ has its origin in Latin and means ‘between’ and ‘prendre’ means ‘to take’. It surprised me to learn that ‘entrepreneur’ also resembles the sound of the sanskrit words ‘antha prerna’ meaning ‘self...
Let’s all turn around and face the elephant in the room here - being an entrepreneur may not be for you. Sure, it may sound super fun to call your own shots and be in complete control of your own schedule but, is it really what you want right now?
Working together with other practitioners and benefiting from the close support and guidance of more experienced leaders may just be your jam. The predictability of regular client traffic that you don’t have to find, the camaraderie and...
You have a great idea. You’ve painstakingly written your business, marketing and financial plans and tested your ideas with family and friends. Now you’re ready to pull together the financing you need to get started. But where can you go to find some cash?
There are four common ways you can finance your dream wellness business or health care practice:
1) Bootstrapping
2) Venture capital
3) Seed capital
4) Government backed loans and grants
Here’s some helpful tips for financing...
Guest blog post written by Michelle Falzone, a Registered Kinesiologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Toronto. Michelle also runs her own online health and fitness coaching business dedicated to building stronger and more confident women, in and out of the gym.
Believe it or not, we are always motivated. These are the drivers that get us to put our feet on the floor and hop out of bed every morning. These are the drivers for why we choose to have certain people in our life, why...
Not surprisingly, many people come up with their business idea well before naming their new venture. Naming your new business or professional practice comes with a lot of hand wringing and head scratching. After all, your new business name has to sound professional, be catchy and stand the test of time. It’s a lot to consider!
1. Use your own name and add your profession afterwards, e.g. Angela Pereira Kinesiology, Pereira Performance Training,...
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